We are happy to announce partnership and collaboration with Education and Training for Quality Assurance Network (ETQAN) International in Pakistan. Together we aim to improve the skills of teachers, transform schooling in Pakistan and take steps closer to Sustainable Development Goal number 4, Quality education for all.
Mr. Sajid Khan is sharing his thoughts about the current situation and what kind of impact we can create through LessonApp.

“Don’t acquire knowledge to be rich, rather get education to be happier; Once you grow, you will get the value of knowledge not price.”
Pakistan is one of the youngest countries in the world with population of 64% under the age of 30 years. 143rd in literacy out of 195 countries of the world, where 4 million youth attain working age every year. Unemployment between the ages of 15 to 24 years is 10.8% (ILO). Pakistan needs to create 4.5 million jobs over the next five years (0.9 million annually), and this huge number of unemployed force is putting added burden on economy.
Pakistan is blessed with talented youth. This nurtured and raw talent can take the country enter 21st century with dignity and pride, provided they get right type of education and conducive working environment. More than 120 million or 60% of Pakistan’s rapidly growing population is below the age of 35-years. This huge demographic dividend can be converted to skillful potent tool to meet domestic and international market requirements and would cause the socio-economic uplift of Pakistan (MOE-Pakistan).
Nowadays world over, the focus has been shifted from grades or marks to proficiency skills development, and equip children with the most advanced skills to play their role as a future technologist, scientists, business leaders, engineers etc. Unlike other countries, we, in Pakistan do not have any organization, both at public and private sector, to regulate the schools in terms of quality of provisions. The knowledge that is imparted in the schools develops only better memorization, and re-production at the end of the year.
Education and Training for Quality Assurance Network (ETQAN) International is working closely with the education providers to influence and improve the lives of young learners. The ETQAN takes care of children’s academic, social and emotional development needs. Our role is to raise standards of teaching and learning through inspection, provide support services, feedback, and submit report on the outcomes, to bring the institutions at par with international teaching and learning practices. We believe that through this inbuilt mechanism of ETQAN the overall performance of an institution will improve and resultantly the learners will play their role in country’s economic development and prosperity.
We also setup and affiliate schools across the country to bring them at par with international teaching and learning practices. We can manage children with agreements but making learning fun and interactive need a teacher to learn the teaching skills.
We strongly believe that in collaboration with LessonApp we will set up new guidelines and trends to transform schooling in Pakistan. This will enable us to teach and evaluate children´s Self-confidence, Leadership and decision making, Citizenship and values, Communication and social relationship and Health and environmental awareness. Through LessonApp we will shift from teaching and grading to skills development and set guidelines to address the educational needs of the country at large. It is expected that ETQAN will seek to establish a coherent, integrated education and training system that provides a platform for a unifying approach.