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    Our Team

    Ellimaija Ahonen CEO Co-founder
    Ellimaija Ahonen
    CEO, Co-founder
    [email protected]

    Our CEO and co-founder Ellimaija is responsible for business development, partner and investor relations and leading the team. You get her attention immediately when talking about sustainability and impact in education. This cheerful lady loves to spend time in nature, relax at the summer cottage, pick mushrooms and travel with her family. She believes that service to humanity is the best work of life.

    Johanna Järvinen-Taubert Pedagogy Co-founder
    Johanna Järvinen-Taubert
    Pedagogy, Co-founder
    [email protected]

    Johanna is a LessonApp co-founder and together with her colleagues responsible for the pedagogical development of LessonApp. She is a teacher, a teacher trainer and an educator who has trained teachers from all over the world. Her passion is promoting learning and empowering teachers. Moreover, she loves to travel and spend time in her family’s summer house. Other interests? Sustainable development, old houses, art, interior design, nature, hiking, good food.

    Johanna Järvinen-Taubert Pedagogy Co-founder
    Päivi Valtonen Pedagogy Co-founder
    Päivi Valtonen
    Pedagogy, Co-founder
    [email protected]

    Päivi is a co-founder and pedagogical expert with a background in educational research. She is interested in teaching methods, especially in co-operative practices. She was born in the archipelago of the Gulf of Finland, and she is an islander by heart. She is a homebody, but enjoys going out and travelling in Italy with her family. She defines teaching as helping work: teaching is helping others to develop and succeed.

    Tuomas Taubert Software Development Co-founder
    Tuomas Taubert
    Software develoment, Co-founder
    [email protected]

    Our CTO and co-founder Tuomas works with everything technical in LessonApp. As our main coder he is responsible for the technical development and is always working with the team to create new features for LessonApp. He has studied both software development and pedagogy, and finished his Master's studies in 2023. Outside of work, he likes to run in the forest orienteering, or play board or computer games with his friends.

    Tuomas Taubert Software Development Co-founder
    Sanni Ovaska
    Software and web development

    Sanni joined the team in 2022 to assist Tuomas with LessonApp's version 2. Along with the app's technical development, they help with designing new features and updating the website. They have a Bachelor's degree in mathematics and have also studied computer science. Outside of work their hobbies include archery, video and board games, and almost anything to do with fabric or yarn.

    Heidi Lamminsivu
    Marketing and graphic design

    Heidi joined the team through a study internship to develop the marketing of LessonApp and to design visual concepts. She holds a degree in graphic design and is currently studying digital marketing with a focus on climate responsibility and sustainable development. In her free time, she often plays online and board games. Occasionally, she also takes walks in the forest, listening to music along the trails. Cats and baking cheesecakes are among her favorite things.

    Meri Ahonen Web Development Co-founder
    Meri Nevalainen
    Pedagogical Advisor

    Meri is a math, chemistry, physics and computer science teacher in upper secondary school in Finland. As a LessonApp co-founder she participates in product development and updates our social media and website. In her free time she enjoys playing frisbeegolf and hunting down monsters in fantasy worlds both on the internet and on the game board.

    binary comment

    What does LessonApp mean to us?

    Tuomas: I feel that through LessonApp we have an opportunity to touch the lives of countless people. Not just teachers, but their students too! The idea of working on something that can help make the education of the world better motivates me to work on developing LessonApp!

    Ellimaija: I have been thinking since my childhood how I could leave a mark or do something that would be beneficial for humankind. I happily wake up every morning thinking that this is the day to make a difference and help someone in their important work educating the next generation.

    Johanna: For me, LessonApp’s core idea is equality. I think every child on Earth is entitled to get quality education and every teacher deserves the best possible tools to deliver it. Designing LessonApp with our team has been a possibility to offer the latest knowledge about learning, and an innovative, effective tool for teachers around the world to deliver quality education for all their students.

    Päivi: LessonApp means to me helping teachers and thereby also promoting and supporting students’ learning. By providing a low-barrier lesson planning tool for every teacher, we give them an access to design quality lessons.