What is co-teaching?

Working as a teacher can be a lonely job. Even though you have colleagues: you have common coffee breaks with them, plan your lessons together, have discussions or even do assessments together — nevertheless, a teacher is alone in the classroom. One class, and only one teacher. If we are Read more…

15th and 16th lessons for 2020: Using phenomenon-based learning in biology

Phenomenon-based learning is a part of Finland’s latest national core curricula for education of all levels from early childhood to upper secondary education (K-12), including basic education. The goal of phenomenon-based learning is for students to explore various real-life phenomena from different perspectives. Phenomenon-based learning is particularly well suited to Read more…

12th lesson for 2020: foreign language lesson in distance teaching mode – an article of Chinese rivers

Author: Gracie Meng-Pitkänen, worked as a Chinese teacher in Finland and China I have practiced distance teaching for several months with my small group of students since the Covid-19 pandemic started in Finland this spring. Overall, the outcome is very positive. Thanks to LessonApp which provides distance teaching methods on Read more…