Over the last three years over 600 Maltese educators have been trained on Finnish Education, Pedagogy and Finnish educational tools during seminars held in Malta. This happened thanks to Dr Kenneth Vella, Head of Mater Boni Consilii St Joseph Paola and who has Finland and his country so at heart. Dr Vella arranged these forums for professional development of teachers and exchanging of best practices among Finnish education professionals and Maltese teachers.
Apart from this, in collaboration with Learning Scoop Finland over 60 educators have already taken part in various educational experiences in Tampere. This by visiting Finnish schools and attending lectures at the premises of University of Tampere. It is expected that around 60 other Maltese educators will be travelling to Tampere to have a similar educational experience.
Also during the past months, workshops on the Finnish educational tools as LessonApp were also held in Malta. In fact Maltese educators were among the very first ones to get in touch with LessonApp, a mobile tool for teachers. The Premium version of LessonApp was launched in Malta in 2019 and currently over 500 Maltese teachers are using LessonApp while conducting lessons in their respective schools. Through the use of LessonApp, the Maltese teachers are getting fresh ideas for their lessons for better learning and help with their everyday workload.
These are great examples of collaboration and can-do attitude between Malta and Finland. It has been our pure joy and privilege to collaborate with Dr Kenneth Vella in these initiatives. This collaboration between us eventually led also to the establishing of more contacts between Dr Vella and other Finnish entities.
Meanwhile special thanks goes also to the former Minister of Education and Employment and present Minister of Foreign Affairs the Hon Evarist Bartolo for supporting Dr Vella and us in these ongoing ventures.